The PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA) aims to promote the management and wise utilization of the forest resources of PNG as a renewable asset for the well-being of present and future generations. The PNGFA supports the development of wood processing and manufacturing operations that create value in-country. The PNGFA provides the IWBP Project with in-country coordination and technical support.
The Forest Products Innovation (FPI) team is Australia's leading multi-disciplinary forest products research group, based at the Salisbury Research Facility (SRF) in Brisbane. The FPI team specialises in designing, fabricating and testing prototype products and improving processes across all types and qualities of forest resources.
The project also collaborates with individuals from other specialist organisations.
The Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA) aims to maximise the medium to long- term financial benefits to all of its members. This is achieved by using the EWPAA as a vehicle to provide those functions which none of the members, as individual corporations, can effectively provide for themselves.