Braden Jenkins
Managing Director, Sylva Systems Pty. Ltd, Victoria, Australia
Braden is a Forester with post graduate qualifications in Business Management. He builds physical and financial models of forestry businesses for a wide range of uses. These models form the basis of a business planning process and provide very useful tools for outside parties considering an investment in forestry projects, as well as to guide internal parties of their place within a project. Due to the growing interest in climate change, Braden has integrated carbon related issues into many models. He has also developed specific business models of trees grown specifically as carbon sinks. Braden is keen to combine his expertise with local know-how.
Kulala Mulung
Senior Lecturer, PNG University of Technology, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
Kulala holds a BSc degree in Forestry, MSc degree in Forest Industries Technology and PhD in Social Forestry. Kulala has held senior positions in the government and non-government sectors, as well as bilateral research and development projects. He is currently a senior lecturer at the PNG University of Technology, where he led the establishment of a Forestry Training Facility that delivers an up to date curriculum spanning the social, environmental and production aspects of forestry. Kulala's current research interest includes understanding farmer land-use decision-making processes, as well as translating, developing and communicating research findings and concepts in a way that can be internalized and adopted by the landowners.
Neville Howcroft
Acting Head of Forestry Department, University of Natural Resources & the Environment, East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea
Neville is a Forester with a M.Ph. in Plant Taxonomy, and a background in applied forest research and management. He has substantial PNG experience, focusing on the conservation, development and utilisation of forest genetic resources. He specialises in high-value plantations, plant propagation, small-holder agroforestry systems, regeneration of disturbed sites, tree improvement programmes, training and extension. He led the establishment of the PNG National Tree Seed Centre, and has written over one hundred publications including training manuals for balsa growers and tree breeders.
Simon Passingan and Rachael Atam
Directors, Barefoot Community Services, East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea

Simon and daughter Rachel assist community groups to be active players in development projects. They believe the development process should involve the spiritual, mental, physical and emotional aspects of an individual, the community and the country. Simon has qualifications in Training, Education and Community Development and is currently concluding postgraduate studies in Not-for-Profit Management. He has co-authored training materials for community development trainers and community based organisations. Rachel has a Diploma in Tropical Agriculture. Together, Simon and Rachel specialize in the fields of community organization & planning, conflict resolution, counselling, gender & development, governance, participatory rural appraisal, and social impact assessment.