Over 60 Multi-media Resources have been allocated to the lower primary school Strand: What's in My Environment. These teaching aids have been categorised according to the 3 relevant Sub-strands below.
Changes in my environment:
CARBON FOOTPRINTS, RENEWABLE ENERGY AND OFFSETTING: This is the third lesson in a series of three teaching pupils about 1. Climate change/global warming 2. human activities relating to this 3.renewable energy sources carbon footprints and offsetting.
CELEBRATING OUR FORESTS: Students will learn about the importance of forests as ecosystems and for humans (physically, spiritually and economically). Students will conduct Internet research and use this research for creative writing, and developing listening/ comprehension skills.
CLIMATE CHANGE: Hello friends, we're very happy to present the first episode of our series "Children can make a WORLD of difference" in which our planet Earth will tell us some worrying things about Climate Change and how our everyday actions can help her alleviate this situation.
CLIMATE CHANGE AND GLOBAL WARMING: This is the first lesson in a series of three teaching pupils about 1. Climate change/global warming 2. human activities relating to this 3.renewable energy sources carbon footprints and offsetting.
CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSES & EFFECTS: Students will learn about the causes and consequences of climate change, and through case studies, explore the ways in which climate change can impact plants and animals. They will also consider what actions can be taken to reduce the impacts of climate change.
ENVIRONMENTS AND ECOSYSTEMS: This booklet looks primarily at the rainforest and covers how plants adapt to their environments, food webs, the water cycle, how humans use the rainforest and how it can be sustainable.
HABITATS LINKED TO CARTOON CHARACTERS ACTIVITY: Students work in teams to retrieve information about different habitats. Each habitat is linked to a cartoon character from a film such as finding Nemo, Happy Feet etc.
HUMAN ACTIVITIES CAUSING CLIMATE CHANGE: This is the second lesson in a series of three teaching pupils about 1. Climate change/global warming 2. human activities relating to this 3.renewable energy sources carbon footprints and offsetting.
MITIGATING CLIMATE CHANGE: This lesson aims to get students to think about the different way we can mitigate climate change. These include; Alternative energy, carbon capture, replanting trees and international agreements.
PLANT A TREE, FUND A DREAM: AWF have set up the 'Plant a Tree, Fund The Dream' Program to help rebuild our forests whilst funding children in Sierra Leone through education. Story, Crossword, Wordserch, Activity sheets, Fact Sheets, Rainforests, Deforestation, Endngered Species...
RAINFOREST ANIMALS PACK: This pack includes a double paged fact sheet on endangered animals found in the rainforest, a related worksheet with questions.
RAINFOREST MILLIONAIRE: A PowerPoint presentation which can be projected onto a whiteboard and used at the beginning or end of a topic on the rainforest.
TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE: This lesson considers some of the proposed ways of tackling climate change.
TREES, WOODLANDS AND CLIMATE CHANGE: A set of fact sheets explaining climate change, why it is happening, the role of trees in regulating the global climate, managing trees and woodland sustainably, woodland biodiversity, wood as a green renewable resource and how to identify sustainable supplies of wood and paper.
TREES: Hello friends, we're very happy to present the second episode of our series "Children can make a WORLD of difference" in which our planet Earth will tell us some worrying things about the trees and how our everyday actions can help her alleviate this situation.
Links in the environment:
ALL ABOUT TREES: Where do we find trees? What lives in trees? An activity that lets your students think first.
CELEBRATING OUR FORESTS: Students will learn about the importance of forests as ecosystems and for humans (physically, spiritually and economically). Students will conduct Internet research and use this research for creative writing, and developing listening/ comprehension skills.
ENVIRONMENTS AND ECOSYSTEMS: This booklet looks primarily at the rainforest and covers how plants adapt to their environments, food webs, the water cycle, how humans use the rainforest and how it can be sustainable.
EVERY TREE FOR ITSELF: Students will develop an appreciation for the needs of living things, and learn about the conditions trees need in order to live and grow.
FOOD CHAINS FOR KIDS: Food chains help us understand the connection between living things. What eats what? Where does the energy that life needs to survive come from? Learn about producers, primary consumers, secondary or tertiary consumers, apex predators, and decomposers and the roles they play in food chains!
FUN MAZES - TREES: Can you find your way through the mazes? Learn about parts of trees and lifecycles on the way! Get kids outdoors exploring with this fresh activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website. Bring the outdoors into your classroom with this inspiring activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website.
LAYERS OF THE RAINFOREST: Children take a journey from the gloom of the forest floor to the bright sunshine at the top of the tallest tree, as they learn about the layers of vegetation.
RAINFOREST DISPLAY MATERIALS: This is a collection of labels, facts and information about rainforests that can be used as part of a display.
RAINFOREST FOOD CHAINS: An open ended activity involving sorting and classifying. Each link of the paper chain represents a transfer of energy in the food chain. This can also be extended to creating multiples chains as a food web.
SAVANNA GRASSLAND - BIOMES OF THE WORLD: The savanna is a type of biome with large stretches of grasslands mixed with trees and shrubs. It is a mix between a tropical forest and a temperate grassland.
SEED DISPERSAL WORKSHEET: A worksheet with pictures (and names) of a variety of seeds. These are dispersed in different ways and can be sorted into the different ways (children look for clues about each one) under headings: wind, catching a lift, eaten by animals, water, exploding etc.
TREES - TREE MYTHS : Tree myths that can be acted out as short pieces of drama. Bring the outdoors into your classroom with this inspiring activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website.
VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP - AMAZON RAINFOREST: Introduce your students to the layers of the rainforest and the animals who live there. Explore the adaptations that have evolved over time.
AN INTRODUCTION TO TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: This PowerPoint gives basic information, including location of rainforests, flora and fauna, and introduces the problem of deforestation.
ANCIENT TREE HUNT: Go looking for fat, wrinkly, old trees where you live.Get kids outdoors exploring and bring the outdoors into your classroom with this fresh activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website.
BIOMES LESSON: This resource pack contains a PowerPoint and information worksheets. PowerPoint is a very basic explanation on what biomes are and where they are located. Children to create their own informative poster about a biome in a group.
BIOMES OF THE WORLD FOR CHILDREN: From Antarctica to the hottest desert, there are many different places on Earth for plant and animals to live. Large groups of similar ecosystems are called biomes. You will probably recognize most of the biomes we visit in this video. Come learn a little more about them and the plants and animals that live there!
CELEBRATING OUR FORESTS: Students will learn about the importance of forests as ecosystems and for humans (physically, spiritually and economically). Students will conduct Internet research and use this research for creative writing, and developing listening/ comprehension skills.
DIFFERENT KINDS OF TREES: 4 trees to write sentences about and find out about. Children can then draw and label a tree.
ENVIRONMENTS AND ECOSYSTEMS: This booklet looks primarily at the rainforest and covers how plants adapt to their environments, food webs, the water cycle, how humans use the rainforest and how it can be sustainable.
EVERY TREE FOR ITSELF:: Students will develop an appreciation for the needs of living things, and learn about the conditions trees need in order to live and grow.
HABITATS: A description of how animals are suited to their habitat and why animals chose particular habitats with questions. Topics also included: enviroment.
HABITATS GAME : This game is a fun way to get children learning about different habitats and the animals that live in them. The winner is the first player to collect all the animals hidden in their habitat game board (either rainforest, desert, Arctic or ocean). Note: We recommend printing the animal game cards out on card so the animals don't show through to the other side.
HABITATS LINKED TO CARTOON CHARACTERS ACTIVITY: Students work in teams to retrieve information about different habitats. Each habitat is linked to a cartoon character from a film such as finding Nemo, Happy Feet etc.
JUNGLE FOLIAGE: Use this colouring activity from the Encyclopaedia Britannica to learn about rainforests.
PROTECTING HABITATS IN PNG'S TORRICELLI MOUNTAINS: Mathew Akon is enlisting one of the world's most endangered marsupials, the little-known tensile or Scott's tree kangaroo, to inspire villagers in Papua New Guinea's remote and wildlife-rich Torricelli Mountains to agree to hunting limits and support habitat protection.
RAINFOREST FACT SHEETS: A collection of great rainforest resources to be used to support teaching about the rainforest.
RAINFOREST LAYERS - MATCHING ACTIVITY: This activity involves matching a variety of rainforest animals to the rainforest layers they live in. It can be differentiated by giving the children either picture clues or word clues to help them. They can also choose to draw, write, or cut and stick the answers on the layers diagram. Some starting points for group discussion have also been provided.
RAINFOREST LETTERS, POSTERS & FRAMES: Display lettering and posters for rainforest as well as writing frames for children to make their own booklet about the rainforest. Original writing frames made in publisher - I have added these so they can be edited to suit your class.
RAINFOREST MILLIONAIRE: A PowerPoint presentation which can be projected onto a whiteboard and used at the beginning or end of a topic on the rainforest.
SAVANNA GRASSLAND- BIOMES OF THE WORLD: The savanna is a type of biome with large stretches of grasslands mixed with trees and shrubs. It is a mix between a tropical forest and a temperate grassland.
SCIENCE: BIOMES: Lesson plans, worksheets, experiment and a PPT on biomes.
TANAH PAPUA, A PARADISE FOR BIRDS: The Cornell Lab's Birds-of-Paradise Project is working with the Governments of Papua and West Papua and other international partners to further science, engagement and conservation of the region's biodiversity with a focus on the birds-of-paradise.
THE TROPICAL RAINFOREST BIOME FACTS: The tropical rainforest facts. The biome called the tropical rainforest is found around the equator. The rainforest is hot, humid, and receives over 100 inches of rain.
TREES: Hello friends, we're very happy to present the second episode of our series "Children can make a WORLD of difference" in which our planet Earth will tell us some worrying things about the trees and how our everyday actions can help her alleviate this situation.
TREES SAVE THE WORLD: Students will learn about the environmental impact humans have on the earth and how trees play an important part in removing carbon from the atmosphere. The students will investigate how the wood from trees is used in everyday products.
VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP - AMAZON RAINFOREST: Introduce your students to the layers of the rainforest and the animals who live there. Explore the adaptations that have evolved over time.
WHAT IS A PLANT? Plants are everywhere, but what is a plant? A plant has special parts. They need sunlight, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide and use photosynthesis to create sugars and oxygen. There are many different types of plants. Because plants can't move the way animals do, they have to have different solutions to their problems.
Over 40 Multi-media Resources have been allocated to the lower primary school Strand: Caring My Environment. These teaching aids have been categorised according to the relevant Sub-strand below.
AN INTRODUCTION TO TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: This PowerPoint gives basic information, including location of rainforests, flora and fauna, and introduces the problem of deforestation.
ARE YOU READY TO PLANT TREES?: This video helps landowners to answer the following questions: (1) Do you have the necessary resources to grow trees? (2) Who can help you to grow trees? (3) Can trees help you to realise your plans for the future?
A SUNFLOWER STORY: Colourful A5 pdf with detailed photos showing the growth of a sunflower. Could be used as a display or classroom sequencing activity.
B-I-O-DIVERSITY : The secret of rainforest life is biological diversity.
CARBON FOOTPRINTS, RENEWABLE ENERGY AND OFFSETTING: This is the third lesson in a series of three teaching pupils about 1. Climate change/global warming 2. human activities relating to this 3.renewable energy sources carbon footprints and offsetting.
CELEBRATING OUR FORESTS: Students will learn about the importance of forests as ecosystems and for humans (physically, spiritually and economically). Students will conduct Internet research and use this research for creative writing, and developing listening/ comprehension skills.
CLIMATE CHANGE AND GLOBAL WARMING: This is the first lesson in a series of three teaching pupils about 1. Climate change/global warming 2. human activities relating to this 3.renewable energy sources carbon footprints and offsetting.
CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSES & EFFECTS: Students will learn about the causes and consequences of climate change, and through case studies, explore the ways in which climate change can impact plants and animals. They will also consider what actions can be taken to reduce the impacts of climate change.
ENVIRONMENTS AND ECOSYSTEMS: This booklet looks primarily at the rainforest and covers how plants adapt to their environments, food webs, the water cycle, how humans use the rainforest and how it can be sustainable.
FSC AND FORESTS: Explore how forests are used and the many stakeholders involved in forestry.
GRETA THUNBERG: Environmental activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot highlight the need to protect, restore and use nature to tackle the climate crisis.
HABITATS LINKED TO CARTOON CHARACTERS ACTIVITY: Students work in teams to retrieve information about different habitats. Each habitat is linked to a cartoon character from a film such as finding Nemo, Happy Feet etc.
HUMAN ACTIVITIES CAUSING CLIMATE CHANGE: This is the second lesson in a series of three teaching pupils about 1. Climate change/global warming 2. human activities relating to this 3.renewable energy sources carbon footprints and offsetting.
KIDS SUSTAINABLE PALM OIL TOOL KIT: This tool kit from the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) helps educate young people about sustainable palm oil in a fun and engaging way. It includes an educational booklet about palm oil and sustainability, a palm oil supply chain activity, and a colouring book featuring wildlife from oil palm producing countries.
LABELLING FLOWER WORDS AND SYMBOLS: Picture of flower obtained from http://www.kew.org/climbersandcreepers/home.html, cut and stick activity labelling parts of flower, flower with words of symbols.
MITIGATING CLIMATE CHANGE: This lesson aims to get students to think about the different way we can mitigate climate change. These include; Alternative energy, carbon capture, replanting trees and international agreements.
PALM OIL - MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICES : This presentation explains that palm oil is found in lots of different products. Some palm oil originates from sustainable plantations and there is a logo which is used to demonstrate this. We should look for products that display this logo.
PROTECTING HABITATS IN PNG'S TORRICELLI MOUNTAINS: Mathew Akon is enlisting one of the world's most endangered marsupials, the little-known tensile or Scott's tree kangaroo, to inspire villagers in Papua New Guinea's remote and wildlife-rich Torricelli Mountains to agree to hunting limits and support habitat protection.
RAINFOREST LESSONS - GRADE 3: Go into almost any backpack in your school and you will find empty chocolate wrappers or chocolate treats waiting to be eaten. Chocolate is a favorite candy of children all over the world. Where does all this chocolate come from? Who produces the ingredients for this treat? Students will explore the forests of Ghana and find that chocolate isn't the only interesting thing found underneath the canopy. Students will learn about the wealth of biodiversity that thrives within the forests and cacao farms of Ghana's Western Region.
RAINFOREST LESSONS - GRADE 4 : What is the most delicious thing to come from rainforests? Chocolate, of course! In four unique units children will explore chocolate, the food of the gods, and a native tree of the rainforests of Latin America. Students will learn about the Chachi of Ecuador, a small indigenous group who believe strongly in protecting the forest, and who are using cocoa farms to do it. But chocolate isn't the onl y interesting thing found in these wonderful forests. Students will learn about the wealth of biodiversity that thrives within the moist, green forests of a region of Ecuador known as the Chocó.
RAINFOREST LESSONS - GRADE 5 : Every year thousands of migratory birds make the long journey from North American forests, parks and backyards to the warm rainforests of Central and South America. Many of these birds will land in trees that shade coffee farms in Central America. Fifth- and sixth-graders will learn about the important work that SalvaNatura, the Rainforest Alliance's partner group in El Salvador, is carrying out to protect coffee forests and El Imposible, the first national park of El Salvador.
RAINFOREST MILLIONAIRE: A PowerPoint presentation which can be projected onto a whiteboard and used at the beginning or end of a topic on the rainforest.
RAINFOREST QUIZ - TRUE OR FALSE: Challenge your students to obtain ten out of ten in this interactive powerpoint quiz. These true or false questions give an overview of the importance of rainforests and what we can do to preserve them.
SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW - THE LIVING WORLD: From the rainforest to wildlife, plants and fungi to deserts and mountain ranges, Chris and the three contestants cover it all in this fourth episode of “Show What You Know.”
TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE: This lesson considers some of the proposed ways of tackling climate change.
TANAH PAPUA, A PARADISE FOR BIRDS: The Cornell Lab's Birds-of-Paradise Project is working with the Governments of Papua and West Papua and other international partners to further science, engagement and conservation of the region's biodiversity with a focus on the birds-of-paradise.
TREES, WOODLANDS AND CLIMATE CHANGE: A set of fact sheets explaining climate change, why it is happening, the role of trees in regulating the global climate, managing trees and woodland sustainably, woodland biodiversity, wood as a green renewable resource and how to identify sustainable supplies of wood and paper.
TREES: Hello friends, we're very happy to present the second episode of our series "Children can make a WORLD of difference" in which our planet Earth will tell us some worrying things about the trees and how our everyday actions can help her alleviate this situation.
TREE OF LIFE: Have you ever thought of the Bible as a story about trees? In the opening pages of the Bible, God gives humanity a gift that they quickly forfeit—eternal life that comes by eating from the tree of life. In this video, we explore the meaning of this powerful image and how sacred trees play a key role throughout the story of the Bible.
TREES - TREE GROWTH CHART: Plant a tree, then measure it as it grows - mark the height, make notes and decorate with doodles! Get kids outdoors exploring with this fresh activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website.
TREES, WOODLANDS AND CLIMATE CHANGE: A set of fact sheets explaining climate change, why it is happening, the role of trees in regulating the global climate, managing trees and woodland
WE PROTECT THE RAINFOREST TOGETHER: The Ito family's trip to the Amazon is an ITTO manga comic book that follows the adventures of the Ito family as they travel to the Amazon and learn about tropical forests and how ITTO is involved in the conservation, sustainable management as well as the rehabilitation and restoration of the world's tropical forests.
WHAT PLANTS NEED: A simple presentation with animations and a quiz at the end. Very simple language throughout. Comic Sans Font (i will do it in Sassoon infant if requested).
WHY PLANT TREES IN PNG?: This video comes with a set of posters that helps landowners to think about the following questions: (1) Can trees help me? (2) Don't trees take up too much space? (3) Don't trees grow too slowly? (4) Can trees help everyone?