The PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA) aims to promote the management and wise utilization of the forest resources of PNG as a renewable asset for the well-being of present and future generations. The PNGFA supports the development of wood processing and manufacturing operations that create value in-country. The PNGFA provides the IWBP Project with in-country coordination and technical support.
The PNGFA compises:National Forest Board (NFB), Provincial Forest Management Committees (PFMC) and the National Forest Service (NFS). The NFS headquarters are at Hohola in the National Capital District with 19 provincial forestry offices, including 5 regional offices.
Research and development activities are undertaken at the Forest Research Institute (FRI) in Lae. The FRI has 4 major research areas: Natural Forest Management, Forest Biology, Planted Forests and Forest Products. The Forest Products Program focuses on:
IWBP Project team members are introduced below:
Ben is the PNG Forest Research Institute's Wood Technologist, and also the Project Communication Manager for the ACIAR funded project: Enhancing value added wood processing in PNG. Before moving to the FRI, Ben worked with the Timber and Forestry Training College (TFTC) in Lae.
Ben has12 years forest products research experience, 10 years wood technology traning experience, and 2 years senior management experience at TFTC.
Ben's expertise includes: inspection and evaluation of timber treatment plants, research in timber treatments using different wood preservatives, determination of basic properties of wood, inspection and evaluation of kiln dryers, operation of timber treatment facilities, operation of kiln dryers, timber yard supervision, and database design and construction.
Ben has a Bachelor of Science in Forestry (PNG University of Technology).
Joseph is the Forest Development Directorate's Timber Marketing Officer. He is currently assisting Jon Marlow to examine the role that Public Private Partnerhips (PPPs) can play in promoting the expansion of value-added wood processing in PNG.
Joseph has 13 year experience in the forestry sector, including forest planning and monitoring, management of commercial tree plantations, and the sustainable management of timber and non-timber forest products (e.g. massoia & eaglewood).
Joseph's expertise includes carrying out log inspections, assessing waste at logging operations, undertaking market research and raising landowner awareness at the community level.
Joseph has a Bachelor of Science in Forestry (PNG University of Technology).