Promote Trees The Forest Learners Kit aims to promote the benefits of trees and forests to the next generation of Papua New Guineans. 

SRP_ElementaryThe Forest Learners Kit currently contains over 40 different multi-media teaching aids for the following elementary grades:

  • Elementary prep

  • Elementary 1

  • Elementary 2

These school resources have been arranged with reference to the PNG Outcome Based Curriculum:


Teaching Aids: Me and My Environment

Over 50 Multi-media Resources have been allocated to the elementary school Strand: Me and My Environment.  These teaching aids have been categorised according to the 3 relevant Sub-strands below:

Changes in natural and human communities:

  • zip  AN INTRODUCTION TO TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: This PowerPoint gives basic information, including location of rainforests, flora and fauna, and introduces the problem of deforestation.
  • youtube_3CLIMATE CHANGE: Hello friends, we're very happy to present the first episode of our series "Children can make a WORLD of difference" in which our planet Earth will tell us some worrying things about Climate Change and how our everyday actions can help her alleviate this situation.
  • zip ENVIRONMENTS AND ECOSYSTEMS: This booklet looks primarily at the rainforest and covers how plants adapt to their environments, food webs, the water cycle, how humans use the rainforest and how it can be sustainable.
  • zip RAINFOREST MILLIONAIRE: A PowerPoint presentation which can be projected onto a whiteboard and used at the beginning or end of a topic on the rainforest.
  • youtube_3TREES: Hello friends, we're very happy to present the second episode of our series "Children can make a WORLD of difference" in which our planet Earth will tell us some worrying things about the trees and how our everyday actions can help her alleviate this situation.


Exploring environments:

  • pdf A 60 SECOND GUIDE- SAVANNA BIOME: A brief introduction to the savanna biome. 
  • zip ALL ABOUT TREES: Where do we find trees? What lives in trees? An activity that lets your students think first.
  • pdf ANCIENT TREE HUNT: Go looking for fat, wrinkly, old trees where you live.Get kids outdoors exploring and bring the outdoors into your classroom with this fresh activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website.
  • zip AN INTRODUCTION TO TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: This PowerPoint gives basic information, including location of rainforests, flora and fauna, and introduces the problem of deforestation. 
  • youtube_3BIOMES OF THE WORLD FOR CHILDREN: From Antarctica to the hottest desert, there are many different places on Earth for plant and animals to live. Large groups of similar ecosystems are called biomes. You will probably recognize most of the biomes we visit in this video. Come learn a little more about them and the plants and animals that live there!
  • zip BIOMES LESSON: This resource pack contains a PowerPoint and information worksheets. PowerPoint is a very basic explanation on what biomes are and where they are located. Children to create their own informative poster about a biome in a group.
  • pdf DIFFERENT KINDS OF TREES: 4 trees to write sentences about and find out about. Children can then draw and label a tree.
  • zip ENVIRONMENTS AND ECOSYSTEMS: This booklet looks primarily at the rainforest and covers how plants adapt to their environments, food webs, the water cycle, how humans use the rainforest and how it can be sustainable.
  • zip EVERY TREE FOR ITSELF: Students will develop an appreciation for the needs of living things, and learn about the conditions trees need in order to live and grow.
  • zip FUN MAZES - TREES: Can you find your way through the mazes? Learn about parts of trees and lifecycles on the way! Get kids outdoors exploring with this fresh activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website. Bring the outdoors into your classroom with this inspiring activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website.
  • pdf HABITATS GAME: This game is a fun way to get children learning about different habitats and the animals that live in them. The winner is the first player to collect all the animals hidden in their habitat game board (either rainforest, desert, Arctic or ocean). Note: We recommend printing the animal game cards out on card so the animals don't show through to the other side.
  • zip HABITATS LINKED TO CARTOON CHARACTERS ACTIVITY: Students work in teams to retrieve information about different habitats. Each habitat is linked to a cartoon character from a film such as finding Nemo, Happy Feet etc.
  • pdf JUNGLE FOLIAGE: Use this colouring activity from the Encyclopaedia Britannica to learn about rainforests.
  • zip LIVING AND NON-LIVING:  Powerpoint presentation giving information on what living and non- living means. Recap of objects at the end.
  • youtube_3PROTECTING HABITATS IN PNG'S TORRICELLI MOUNTAINS: Mathew Akon is enlisting one of the world's most endangered marsupials, the little-known tensile or Scott's tree kangaroo, to inspire villagers in Papua New Guinea's remote and wildlife-rich Torricelli Mountains to agree to hunting limits and support habitat protection.
  • zip RAINFOREST LETTERS, POSTERS & FRAMES: Display lettering and posters for rainforest as well as writing frames for children to make their own booklet about the rainforest. Original writing frames made in publisher - I have added these so they can be edited to suit your class.
  • zip RAINFOREST MILLIONAIRE: A PowerPoint presentation which can be projected onto a whiteboard and used at the beginning or end of a topic on the rainforest. 
  • zip SCIENCE: BIOMES: Lesson plans, worksheets, experiment and a PPT on biomes
  • pdf TREES - TREE MYTHS: Tree myths that can be acted out as short pieces of drama. Bring the outdoors into your classroom with this inspiring activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website.
  • youtube_3TREES: Hello friends, we're very happy to present the second episode of our series "Children can make a WORLD of difference" in which our planet Earth will tell us some worrying things about the trees and how our everyday actions can help her alleviate this situation. 
  • youtube_3WHAT IS ENVIRONMENT AND HOW TO KEEP IT CLEAN?: Kids will learn about environment and how to keep it clean in this video.


Using and caring for resources:

  • pdf A 60 SECOND GUIDE- SAVANNA BIOME: A brief introduction to the savanna biome.
  • pdf A SUNFLOWER STORY:  Colourful A5 pdf with detailed photos showing the growth of a sunflower. Could be used as a display or classroom sequencing activity.
  • zip AN INTRODUCTION TO TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: This PowerPoint gives basic information, including location of rainforests, flora and fauna, and introduces the problem of deforestation.
  • zip ENVIRONMENTS AND ECOSYSTEMS: This booklet looks primarily at the rainforest and covers how plants adapt to their environments, food webs, the water cycle, how humans use the rainforest and how it can be sustainable.
  • youtube_3GRETA THUNBERG: Environmental activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot highlight the need to protect, restore and use nature to tackle the climate crisis.
  • zip JASPER'S BEANSTALK: A worksheet for a cross curricular science/literacy about growth and Jasper’s Beanstalk. Includes picture cards or cut outs to aid in telling the story or ordering. Includes visuals for days of week.
  • zip KIDS SUSTAINABLE PALM OIL TOOL KIT: This tool kit from the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) helps educate young people about sustainable palm oil in a fun and engaging way. It includes an educational booklet about palm oil and sustainability, a palm oil supply chain activity, and a colouring book featuring wildlife from oil palm producing countries.
  • zip LABELLING FLOWER WORDS AND SYMBOLS: Picture of flower obtained from, cut and stick activity labelling parts of flower, flower with words of symbols.
  • zip LET'S FIND OUT ABOUT TREE HOUSES: A variety of tree houses with questions to provoke discussion.
  • zip PALM OIL - MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICES : This presentation explains what palm oil is, where it comes from, and which products we should buy to protect the rainforests.
  • youtube_3PROTECTING HABITATS IN PNG'S TORRICELLI MOUNTAINS: Mathew Akon is enlisting one of the world's most endangered marsupials, the little-known tensile or Scott's tree kangaroo, to inspire villagers in Papua New Guinea's remote and wildlife-rich Torricelli Mountains to agree to hunting limits and support habitat protection.
  • youtube_3RAINFOREST CONSERVATION : Exploring the rainforest by Emily Keller. 
  • zip RAINFOREST LESSONS - ELEMENTARY PREP 1: Learn about the mystical forests of the Maya and the second largest barrier reef in the world! The Rainforest Alliance's partner in Belize, Toledo Institute for Development and the Environment (TIDE), is working with communities in southern Belize to protect a huge swath of the Selva Maya (or Maya forest) and the coastal ecosystems downstream. Students will learn about the jaguars, manatees, howler monkeys and loggerhead turtles that call this amazing place home.
  • zip RAINFOREST LESSONS - ELEMENTARY PREP 2: Nowhere on Earth is the rainforest more fascinating to children than the Amazon. In this unit, children will explore the rich culture of the Yanomami and compare their situation to the Amazon rainforest's newest arrivals: settlers seeking a better life. Students will learn about the work that The Oficina Escola de Lutheria da Amazônia (OELA), the Rainforest Alliance's Brazil-based partner, is doing to help the people of Boa Vista do Ramos improve their lives while ensuring the long-term health of the forest.
  • zip RAINFOREST LESSONS - ELEMENTARY 1: Whether in your own backyard, or in the tropical rainforest, your 5 senses help you learn more about your surroundings. During these lessons, students will begin to discover nature through sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch. After learning about the sights and sounds of their own neighborhood, students will begin to imagine what the environment is like in a lush tropical rainforest.
  • zip RAINFOREST LESSONS ELEMENTARY 2: Come explore the mystical oak forests of the Cachalú Biological Reserve nestled high in the tropical Colombian Andes. With help from Fundación Natura, the Rainforest Alliance's partner group in Colombia, kindergarteners will learn about this special place, its interesting inhabitants and the connection between the rainforests and their supermarkets.
  • zip RAINFOREST MILLIONAIRE: A PowerPoint presentation which can be projected onto a whiteboard and used at the beginning or end of a topic on the rainforest. 
  • zip RAINFOREST QUIZ - TRUE OR FALSE: Challenge your students to obtain ten out of ten in this interactive powerpoint quiz. These true or false questions give an overview of the importance of rainforests and what we can do to preserve them.
  • pdf TREES - TREE GROWTH CHART: Plant a tree, then measure it as it grows - mark the height, make notes and decorate with doodles! Get kids outdoors exploring with this fresh activity from the Woodland Trust's nature detectives website.
  • youtube_3TREES: Hello friends, we're very happy to present the second episode of our series "Children can make a WORLD of difference" in which our planet Earth will tell us some worrying things about the trees and how our everyday actions can help her alleviate this situation.
  • youtube_3TREE OF LIFE: Have you ever thought of the Bible as a story about trees? In the opening pages of the Bible, God gives humanity a gift that they quickly forfeit—eternal life that comes by eating from the tree of life. In this video, we explore the meaning of this powerful image and how sacred trees play a key role throughout the story of the Bible.
  • zip WHAT PLANTS NEED: A simple presentation with animations and a quiz at the end. Very simple language throughout. Comic Sans Font (i will do it in Sassoon infant if requested).
  • youtube_3 WHAT IS ENVIRONMENT AND HOW TO KEEP IT CLEAN?: Kids will learn about environment and how to keep it clean in this video.
  • zip WHY PLANT TREES IN PNG?: This video comes with a set of posters that helps landowners to think about the following questions: (1) Can trees help me? (2) Don't trees take up too much space? (3) Don't trees grow too slowly? (4) Can trees help everyone?
  • zip WHY TREES ARE IMPORTANT: These 6 lesson plans are designed to educate why trees are important.


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