Processing partnerships The Wood Processors Tool Kit supports the expansion of the wood processing industry in PNG. We're creating a one-stop source of information for the public and private sectors.    


Gender equity in the timber industry means a fair distribution of workload, benefits and rewards between men and women. Gender equality is an essential aspect of human dignity and social justice; providing more opportunities and increased household incomes, which improve nutritional and educational outcomes. Papua New Guinea has a legislative and policy framework which enables a fair and equitable environment that is free from discrimination and encourages citizens to participate in social and economic development. This includes a Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy for the public sector. The following resources are available to strengthen gender equality within PNG's timber industry:

  • Women in the timber industry fact sheet
  • Report on gender ratios and the current status of women
  • Guidelines for developing a GESI policy for your business


Women in the timber industry:

Potentially, the contribution of women in the timber industry can equal that of men. This fact sheet summarises the findings of a report (see below), based on a survey of several Papua New Guinean and Australian companies. The fact sheet looks at: (i) benefits and barriers, (ii) where women excel, (iii) gender facts in the timber industry, (iv) opportunities and (v) next steps.This publication is an output of the ACIAR Project: Development of durable engineered wood products in PNG and Australia.


Gender ratios and the current status of women:

This technical report  is based on a survey of several Papua New Guinean and Australian companies, and included analysis of available reports and statistics and also an informal survey of companies participating with the the ACIAR Project: Development of durable engineered wood products in PNG and Australia. Where companies were willing, data such as employment gender ratios, positions, age classes, income, training, skills and qualifications were obtained. Qualitative information was also collected, such as perceived desirable qualities and undesirable traits associated with both sexes and relevant cultural issues.

  • pdf Report: Gender ratios and the current status of women


Developing a GESI policy for your business:

Papua New Guinea has a legislative and policy framework which supports and promotes gender equity and socially inclusive practices. Goals 1 and 2 of the National Constitution recognise integral human development alongside equality and participation. Section 55 allows for deliberate actions to be taken in order to ensure equal opportunities for all. Gender equity and socially inclusive strategies and processes are key aspects of PNG's Vision 2050, Development Strategic Plan 2010-2030 and Medium Term Development Plans. A Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy is also in place to encourage and support the principles of equality in every aspect of the public service workplace.

The national government policy framework is listed below:

 The following publications may help your business to develop its own Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy:

  • pdf Guidelines: Developing a Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy for your business 
  • pdf Terms and Definitions: Inclusiveness and gender
  • pdf Policy: Policy on gender equity and human rights (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research)
  • pdf Action Plan: Gender Equity Action Plan 2017-2020 (Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)
  • pdf Fact Sheet: Domestic and family violence - a workplace issue, a discrimination issue

For more information, PNG's Business Coalition for Women has resources and training available to help your business derive maximum value from its female workforce.


Further reading:


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