Grow Trees The Tree Growers Tool Kit helps people to grow the best trees for their lifestyle. We're developing a set of multi-media resources for tree growers and field workers.

TGTK_Planting_outThe Tree Growers Tool Kit currently contains a booklet, pamphlets, training videos and project reports that show farmers & field workers how to:

  • Choose their tree planting site and tree layout

  • Consider the need for drainage and fertiliser

  • Plant-out their seedlings

  • Plant-out their teak stumps



The A5 Nursery Guidelines are written in Tok-Pisin with illustrations that describe 10 simple steps for establishing a village nursery supplying Acacia and Eucalyptus spp. seedlings:

This A4 Manual is designed for smallholder cocoa farmers in the Pacific region with clear guidelines and colour drawings:



These A5 Tree Factsheets are written in Tok-Pisin with illustrations for double-sided printing on single A4 sheet (folded to A5):

These A5 Tree Factsheets are written in simple English with Tok-Pisin or Motu illustrations for double-sided printing on single A4 sheet (folded to A5):

These Tree Growers Packs contain essential information about growing the best trees, including planting out and maintenance:

 This A5 Agroforestry Factsheet is written in Tok-Pisin with illustrations for double-sided printing on single A4 sheet:



Planting-out teak seedlings:

  • In this 30 minute Training Video staff at OISCA-PNG introduce their tried and tested techniques for teak seed germination, nursery propagation, uprooting and cutting, site preparation, and transplanting:


Planting seedlings:

  • A short demonstration of planting "wildlings" as a method for establishing new woodlots. Click here to download.

  • A clear demonstration of how to plant a tree seedling to maximise its chances of survival after planting out. Click here to download.

  • A farmer describes the process and benefits of planting tree seedlings into a small woodlot adjacent to his village. Click here to download.

  • A demonstration of how to plant seedlings, including different methods for removing the seedling from polybags. Click here to download.

  • Planting of seedlings on a very steep slope and the importance of saving polybags for later use to reduce spoiling the environment. Click here to download.

  • A young woman plants a seedling demonstrating that tree planting is a task that all people are involved in. Click here to download.


Preparing and planting teak stumps:

  • Detailed account of the process used to establish teak stumps from a nursery bed to the field, includes discussion on spacing and maintenance. Click here to download.



  • Orowa Dudu shows the difference in health and vigour of trees that relates to imperfect drainage across his site. Click here to download.



  • Inter Vinarut, of OISCA in East New Britain Province of PNG, speaks about the conditions where fertilser is needed, as well as the timing and method of application. Click here to download.


Further Reading:

Project reports


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