Choose Trees The Tree Growers Tool Kit helps people to choose the right trees for their lifestyle. We're developing a set of multi-media resources for tree growers and field workers.  

TGTK_Why_plant_treesThe Tree Growers Tool Kit currently contains pamphlets, awareness audio & video,  slideshow presentations, posters, research papers and project reports that help farmers & field workers to answer the following questions:

  • Can trees help me?

  • Don't trees take up too much space?

  • Don't trees grow too slowly?

  • Can trees help everyone?



This 3 minute MP3 Awareness Audio is in Tok-Pisin for radio broadcasting, and also playing to target groups on laptop, tablet or mobile device:



This A5 Awareness Sheet is written in simple English with Tok-Pisin Illustrations for double-sided printing on single A4 sheet (folded to A5):



These PDF and PPT Awareness Presentations comprise 47 slides in simple English with Tok-Pisin illustrations for desk-top printing and viewing on laptop, tablet or mobile device:



These PDF Awareness Posters are written in simple English with Tok-Pisin Illustrations for printing on single A4 sheet:



This 4 minute Awareness Video is presented in simple English with Tok-Pisin illustrations. Click here to download.


These 5 short Awareness Videos showcase landowner motivations for planting trees:

  • Jonah Barumtai, of Madang Province in PNG, speaks about the need for tree planting to restore his forest of the timber resources that were removed after logging. Click here to download.


  • Daniel Sioba, of Madang Province in PNG, speaks about how population growth and expansion of gardening areas has reduced his community's timber resources. Daniel and his father explain how tree planting will allow their community to have timber for house construction for many years to come. Click here to download.


  • Jonsen Boe, of Santo Island in Vanuatu, highlights the difficulties in meeting household costs with the current prices paid for his coconut cash crop. Jonsen expresses his interest in planting the high value tree species sandalwood, as a way to diversify his income. Click here to download.


  • Danny Samandingke, of Morobe Province in PNG, speaks about the increasing tree harvesting pressures associated with community population increases and how planting of woodlots can provide long term alleviation of these pressures. Click here to download.


  • Alfred Apake, of Western Province in PNG, discusses his motivation for planting the high value tree Eaglewood, which has helped attract members of his clan back from the colonial settlement to their ancestral grounds. Click here to download.


Further Reading:

Research papers

Project reports


Your feedback